Meet our instructors and presenters:

Shikira Alleyne-Samuel
Kreative Pursuit
Embroidery Designer
Upcycle a T-shirt with Embroidery with Shikira Alleyne-Samuel from Kreative Pursuit (EDT - PLEASE NOTE TIMEZONE)

Emma Bassey
Stitching Me Softly
Owner & Designer
How to Crochet a Chunky Cotton Basket with Emma from Stitching Me Softly

Serena Beauchesne
With Cherries on Top
Knitwear Designer & Instructor
Intarsia Knitting In The Round with Sylvia Watts-Cherry (EDT - PLEASE NOTE TIMEZONE)

Nicole Byrns
Natural Dyer & Herbalist
The Beauty and Art of Natural Dyes with Nicole Byrns of Thymeweaver

Karin Carlson
Knitting Instructor
**Sand Art Impressionism Shrug with a Pop of Neon with Karen Gekelman (EDT - PLEASE NOTE TIMEZONE)

Mary Lee Carosa
CAKE Wool Co.
Owner & Dyer
Dyeing Your Knits with Alissa from CAKE Wool Co.
CAKE Wool Co. Vendor Session

André de Castro
Knitting Instructor/ Pattern Designer
Portuguese Knitting for Beginners with André de Castro (EDT - PLEASE NOTE TIMEZONE)

Kathy DesRoches
Katie Kortman Clothing
Fashion and Fabric Designer
Create with Happy Color: How to work with color with Katie Kortman (EDT - PLEASE NOTE TIMEZONE)

Chris Dyer
Garths Croft Bressay, Shetland
Owner & Crofter
On the Croft: The Lambs of Shetland with Chris Dyer

Linda Facci
Facci Designs
Craft & Design Expert
**Needle Felt a Mini Cactus with Linda Facci (EDT - PLEASE NOTE TIMEZONE)

Carrie Ferrone
Knitting Instructor
Two Ways to Master the Provisional Cast On with Willie Smith
Knitting Cables, Nothing To It! with Willie Smith (EDT - PLEASE NOTE TIMEZONE)

James Francis
Balancing Life's Issues
Senior Account Manager
Recognizing Unconscious Bias: Q&A with James Francis from Balancing Life’s Issues

Stephanie Fryers
Tanya Singer Knits
Teacher at Ewe Can Knit; Contributor at Modern Daily Knitting; Writing of Knitting Hope

Saysha Greene
Insayshsable Knits
Knitwear Designer & Instructor
Half Pi Shawl Construction with Saysha Greene (EDT - PLEASE NOTE TIMEZONE)
Level-up Your Brioche Skills with Saysha Greene (EDT - PLEASE NOTE TIMEZONE)

Oejong Kim
Loopy Mango
Owner & Co-founder
A Visit to Loopy Mango - Local Yarn Store Day Highlight 2022

Natalie Koons
Knitty Natty/Love in Stitches
Spring Cleaning - Decluttering and Organizing Your Yarn Stash & Tools with Knitty Natty

Brooke McDonald
Weill Cornell Medicine
OBGYN and Culinary Medicine Specialist
Culinary Medicine for Women - A cooking demo with Basma Faris, MD CCMS

Marisa Morrison
The Neon Tea Party
Founder • Craft TEAcher • Chief Pom Pom Officer
**How to Crochet & Join Classic Granny Squares for Infinite Projects! with Marisa from The Neon Tea Party (EDT - PLEASE NOTE TIMEZONE)
The Neon Tea Party Vendor Session

Catherine Phillips
High Contrast Knits & Design
Knitting Instructor
Sock It To Me: An Introduction to Sock Knitting with Cynthia Dorrough (EDT - PLEASE NOTE TIMEZONE)

Cassondra Rizzardi
Knitting & Crochet Instructor and Designer
**Double Knitting with Cassondra Rizzardi (EDT - PLEASE NOTE TIMEZONE)

Amy Snell
The Devious Knitter
Knitting Instructor and Pattern Designer
**Beginning Brioche: Two-Color Brioche in the Round with Amy Snell (EDT - PLEASE NOTE TIMEZONE)

Susanne Sommer
Ashworth Creative
Graphic Designer & Art Director
Artistry with Chalk Pens by Tracy Dwyer

Amber Spiegel
Author of Cookie Art, Baker & Cookie Artist
Brush Embroidery Royal Icing Cookie Decorating with Amber Spiegel from SweetAmbs

Lily Stevens
cal patch
Sewing & Crochet Instructor and Author
**Hand-Stitching 101 with Cal Patch (EDT - PLEASE NOTE TIMEZONE)

Tamara White
Wing & A Prayer Farm
Natural Dye Instructor
Wing & A Prayer Farm Early Access Vendor Session
Wing & A Prayer Farm Sponsor Vendor Session
Meet the Spring Lambs at Wing & A Prayer Farm!
**Indigo + Shibori Dyeing Workshop with Tammy from Wing & A Prayer Farm (EDT - PLEASE NOTE TIMEZONE)
**Cold Pressed Soap Making with Tammy White from Wing & A Prayer Farm (EDT - PLEASE NOTE TIMEZONE)